Tampa Bay Times: Brian Anderson is a Heck of a Broadcaster

Rays analyst and MAXX Client, Brian Anderson gets some recognition for his work on FOX last weekend...

By Tom Jones

Best analyst

Rays TV analyst Brian Anderson, spent Saturday working for Fox as an analyst on the Rays-Red Sox game and got to show a regional audience what the rest of us know: He's a heck of a broadcaster. Working with Dick Stockton, bottom, Anderson not only was his usual relaxed, funny and insightful self, he seemed especially at ease.

Anderson also maneuvered his way through Friday night's Rays-Red Sox bean-ball battle without coming off as a Rays homer, though he clearly sided with the Rays during the broadcast on Sun Sports. Anderson knew he was speaking to Rays and Red Sox fans, and did not want to alienate anyone — in this case, Red Sox Nation.

The only nit is that Saturday, no one on the Fox game or pregame broadcast opined on who was right or wrong Friday. Fox recapped the bad-blood events by showing Boston's Dustin Pedroia getting hit and the Tampa Bay's Luke Scott getting hit. If you hadn't seen Friday's game, you would have assumed the Rays had it coming.

But if you watched the game and know anything about baseball, you knew the Rays didn't mean to hit Pedroia. It made no sense to hit Pedroia. It would have been nice if someone on Fox had addressed that.

Because Anderson could not say that without looking biased, maybe Stockton should've said something.

[Tampa Bay Times]