Kate Fagan Wins 2016 Deadline Club Award

Congrats to MAXX Client Kate Fagan on winning the Magazine Personal Service Award category at the 2016 Deadline Club Awards for her feature story, "Split Image" in ESPN The Magazine.

You can read the original "Split Image" story here.

Here's what judges had to say about Kate's story:

This is the story of a star athlete, a perfectionist, who also battled depression and committed suicide. The judges wrote: It was “well told, human, and doesn’t pretend to know the answers, but it asks the important questions. The story makes readers aware of the fact that unless we partner with mental health professionals and start diagnosing illnesses beyond “depression” and “bi-polar,” there won’t be significant progress and more people will die.

The Magazine Personal Service category description is as follows:

News or information that is intended for practical use, such as helping readers improve their health, finances, career or relationships. Entries must be a single article, but may include sidebars. Open to all magazines with general circulations, magazine sections of newspapers, Sunday supplements and any digital media affiliated with these publications.