New ESPN Films "30 for 30" Executive Produced by Bomani Jones

Former college and NFL star Randy Moss is the subject of Rand University, the new 30 for 30 film by ESPN Films.

The film, directed by ESPN Films producer Marquis Daisy, executive produced by ESPN commentator Bomani Jones and narrated by actor Michael Kenneth Williams (“The Wire”), explores Moss’ life. It tells the story of what almost derailed Moss before he ever became nationally known for his extraordinary abilities as a wide receiver.

Producer Marquis Daisy was asked what is was like to work with Bomani Jones (Executive Producer) and he said, "Working with Bomani as the EP on this film has been invaluable. Prior to this film’s inception, Bomani had studied the life and career of Moss, becoming a “Moss encyclopedia.” With his great intellect, we challenged one another creatively. His insight really helped Rand University improve throughout the process. Bomani is extremely talented and I was blessed to have had the opportunity to work with him."

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