Clyde Christensen: Tom Brady wanted to do what Peyton Manning did in Denver

Tom Brady left the Patriots a year ago, after 20 seasons in New England. Much has been said and written about why he left. So why not write and say some more now?

Via, Buccaneers quarterbacks coach Clyde Christensen peeled back the curtain a but during a visit to CBS Sports Radio.

“[T]here was a part of him the first time I met him, and I had never met him before we picked him up,” Christensen told Zach Gelb regarding Brady. “He said one of the things that looked really fun and challenging to him was what Peyton [Manning] did at Denver. Like kind of the same scenario [in Tampa]. . . . There was something about that challenge that hit [Brady] right. ‘Hey, I’m going to go see if I can do this again somewhere else.’ I do think that the challenge of that was a huge thing for him. . . . He’s mentioned several times that he was impressed [with Manning’s accomplishments in Denver] and that looked fun and challenging to him.”

Of course, Brady did in one year something that Manning needed four in Denver to accomplish. Related to that point, the folks at raise an interesting question.

What if Brady decides to try to be the first one to do it with a third team?